What Staying a Few Minutes After Can Do For You
March 10, 2023
You might say that these extracurriculars hinder the academic performance of a student and aggregate stress onto a student. But the reality is that clubs are a stress relief. The moment you walk into the room, you see students and teachers alike working to achieve their goals for the year. Why don’t more people join them? Students above all are always being told why they should join a club but why is that? Clubs are a real-time commitment and require effort. They also require teamwork and stepping out of your comfort zone. So again why join them?
There are over 30 unique clubs and extracurricular activities at Harrison High School. Each one is suited for different people and at least one of them is guaranteed to pique your interest. What one of these extracurriculars can do to a person is essential to understanding why they are so crucial for a young adult. According to Creditdonkey.com, 31% of students who participated in extracurricular activities had a GPA of 3.0 or higher. From musicals to sports and art, there are a plethora of options. Plus it is a great opportunity to get involved as well as get to know a lot of people that without these extracurriculars, you wouldn’t be able to meet. You find out more about your identity and what you want to do in life, your self-expression
The participation of students can drastically increase when part of a group. According to a study made by Sarra Abdelhafifdh, a professor in the University of Tunis, 59% of students had a significant increase in participation in school as 65.8% of students feel more motivated in school after joining extra-curricular activities. School is meant to push students and open them up to stand up and use their voice which is perpetuated by extracurriculars.
High Schools are really concerned about the mental health and well-being of students. Joining a new club can relieve or even improve your stress levels. According to Polaristeen, 11% of adolescents have experienced a major depressive episode in the last year. Many children might require friends or support from others or just be stressed out in general. For example, they can aid in taking your mind off a big test like a midterm or final. Fabrizio Correa, a junior, says“It keeps me busy. It allows me to focus on my life.” Fabrizio participates in the Engineering Club and JV soccer.
There are clubs of all types at Harrison High School. Which one would you like to join?
- DECA—a business club that allows students to express themselves through business and marketing
- Engineering—a club which caters to creative students looking to design a project on their own.
- The Husky Herald— the school newspaper where students can express their feelings or report occurrences.
- Yearbook Club—Show school spirit by attending!
- Language Clubs—Study and explore a language at French or Spanish or Italian clubs or
- And many sports!
Although clubs and sports might add on extra work, it is not for nothing. Mrs Battaglia, former Latin, and Italian club leader say, “It really allowed for the students to bond with me.” High school only lasts for four years and time flies by. Soon you could be heading off to college or university in pursuit of your dreams. These clubs as stated before can aid in finding what you are really passionate about. They open your eyes to the outside world in a way you haven’t seen before.
In an interview with Finlay Hilton, a freshman, he claimed that he participates in Swimming and the Engineering club and this is what he had to say, “Swimming keeps me healthy and fit and engineering is fun and enjoyable.” These clubs have a positive impact on the student and the teacher and help create friendships and guide students to the right path. In an interview with Mr Mastrota, Harrison High School Assistant Principal, states, “I admire clubs and what they do for the students and the teachers alike.” These are just some of the many students and teachers who participate in clubs, and just some of the prime examples of why Harrison High School’s after-school activities help all students.
Don’t enjoy a particular club? Joining a club doesn’t mean you have to stay in it. If you don’t enjoy a club or have a problem with it, you are allowed to step away and try another.
Some students might even help overcome a language barrier. Koske Ejiri is a Junior at HHS. Koske states, “In the Bowling and Math Team, we work together and compete against other schools. Sometimes the games in bowling get close but we have the strength in unity to beat the other team. It is a good place to make friends. I come from Japan and although I can’t speak English very well through Bowling, I can connect to friends so if I got a strike we would all say ‘Yeah!!’”
As you can see, with an overwhelming amount of positive support for these clubs, they are in fact beneficial to the mental state of all people alike. The opportunity that these clubs offer is not to be taken for granted. They stay open the whole year and are still available to join. With the over 30 extracurriculars still present in HHS, it is vital to join at least one of them throughout your 4-year stay at HHS.